Thanks to the generous donations and support of PRIS (Peace River Internet Society) we are able to offer free Internet access and free wireless service.
Internet Policy
In order to enhance its existing collection in size and depth, the Hudson’s Hope Public Library will provide access to the Internet. The following regulations have been developed to ensure that there is equitable access to this resource and that appropriate use is made of this technology.
Adult Public Access Computers:
- The Hudson’s Hope Public Library places no restrictions on, nor does it take responsibility for, the type of material found by the user of the Internet on the adult public access computers.
- There are no filters in place on the adult public access computers.
- It is prohibited to use a Public Internet Workstation for illegal, actionable or criminal purposes. Criminal law forbids the display or dissemination of hate literature, child pornography, illicit drug literature or obscene material.
- Individual users must accept responsibility for selecting content. Parents/guardians of minors are responsible for monitoring material accessed by minors on the public access computers.
- Since workstations are in a public place, content and images may be viewed by others including children. The Library cannot guarantee the privacy of users.
Children’s Public Access Computer:
- The Hudson’s Hope Public Library has installed parental controls on one terminal for children’s access to the internet. It is not the responsibility of HHPL to monitor what children access on these computers as the programming is self-monitoring. HHPL is not responsible for any material deemed acceptable by the software that may not be deemed suitable by some parents or guardians due to religious background, ethnicity, etc.
- Parents/guardians of minors are responsible to fill out internet permission forms indicating whether a child is to be restricted from the children’s internet access terminal as well as they would have to fill out a form to indicate whether their children should be granted access to an unmonitored Adult internet access computer.
- Library staff reserve the right to limit time for individuals on the computer if there are other children waiting to access the computer.
Regulations and Guidelines:
- Access is available to patrons of the Hudson’s Hope Public Library. Visitors to the Library may have free access to this service.
- Appointments are preferred but not required
- Access is limited to 30-minute sessions, if there is queue for the computer terminals.
- Scheduling of Internet time will be at the discretion of the Library staff to enable maximum use of the Internet.
- Printing of documents is permitted at the cost set by the library.
- Users shall respect intellectual and property rights and laws and shall not infringe copyrights or software licenses. The user is responsible for assessing whether programs or data have copyright on them.
Use of Public Internet Workstations by Minors:
- Parents/guardians are responsible for their minor’s use of the Internet on the adult access stations.
- Anyone under the age of 18 must have a permission form completed and signed by a parent/guardian in the presence of library staff before they are allowed access to the Internet.
- Minors under the age of 12 years must be accompanied by a parent/guardian when using the Internet on the adult access stations.
- Library staff will assist patrons with the Internet as time permits.
- Workshops related to the Internet will be provided from time to time.
Loss of Internet Privileges:
Users violating any regulations or rules will receive a warning. If circumstances warrant, users may be suspended for a period of up to one year at the discretion of the Director.